Damages Uncovered in Chimney Inspections

Think about your chimney. Do you know the current state of all the components? Do you know where there is damage or breakdown started? What are the signs of serious damage? As the homeowner, you cannot answer these questions with any certainty. To have that certainty,...

New Year, New Inspections

New Year’s resolutions are always different for everyone but for repairs, they stay the same. As the year is coming to an end, it is time to think about what needs to be inspected and improved on going forward in the new year. One important resolution to keep is...

Helpful Fireplace Tips

Does your house have a furnace or does it have a fireplace? If your home has a furnace, then you may not have been acquainted with the benefits of having a fireplace. Not only do they appear magnificent when lit, but they also are a source of saving money. During...

Benefits of Regular Chimney Sweeps

Winter is approaching faster than some people would like while others are ready for bonfires and snuggling up with family around the fireplace. Many memories to come around the warmth and enjoying family time. With the festivities coming around the corner, it is...

Precaution to New/Current Homeowners

How Chimney Sweepers Are Life Savers Nine times out of ten, new and current homeowners do not think about the condition of their chimney or when it was last professionally cleaned. Taking the time to schedule a cleaning will lower the health risks and dangers of...