Think about your chimney and all its components right now. Do you know the exact state of all these elements? Do you know where damage or breakdown is starting? What about signs of serious damage? If you’re like most homeowners, you can’t answer each of these...
If there is a wood-burning fireplace in your home that isn’t used very often, then you may feel there is no reason to have it swept. As it turns out, having your chimney serviced once or twice a year improves the quality of air in your home and gets rid of creosote...
Fireplaces add a festive mood to any holiday gathering. The warm and cozy atmosphere they extend simply cannot be beat. Unfortunately, this pleasing aesthetic can be ruined in a hurry when things malfunction and smoke starts pouring back out into your living space. A...
Uh oh. Water is coming from somewhere, and it looks like the fireplace is the culprit! If you fear your chimney is leaking, it’s best to call in a professional chimney sweep right away to address any necessary repairs. The sooner you get it done, the less overall...
At Sootmaster Chimney Sweep, we strive to provide top-quality chimney services throughout the area. We want to ensure our customer base is impressed with our professionalism and honesty. In addition, we take pride in keeping homes everywhere in top shape all year...